
...to the Brain+ U.S. study recruiting website

Thank you for your interest in this Alzheimer’s study and opportunity.

Before answering, please note that this information will only be saved and sent to Brain+ as an email, if you are eligible to participate. If you do not fulfill the participation criteria, no email will be sent and the below information will not be saved.

If you prefer to contact us personally about your participation, please send your information to irina@brain-plus.com

Fill out this form if you want to participate in the Alzheimers market study.
Note! The form will not be sent until you provide an answer to every statement and question.

Checklist Yes No
I agree that i have been informed Adequately about the project and that i want to register as a participant
You have an Alzheimers diagnosis
Your Alzheimers is in an early and mild stage (you are still functioning fully or mostly independently in your daily life)
You are below 80 years of age
You have a family member or care giver, who have said yes to be your contact person
You have daily access to a tablet computer (iPad or Android-type tablet)
You are capable of using a tablet computer on your own
You are ready and willing to spend 8 weeks, 5 days a week, 30 minutes a day to exercise your brain as part of this study?
Do you have a current diagnosis for depression?
Do you suffer from periods of anxiety?
Do you have a current diagnosis for schizophrenia, bi-polar, or other type of mental health condition?
Do you have any known addictions or heavy use of alcohol or other substances?
Your name
Your email
Your phone number
Your zip code
Optional comments
By clicking on "submit", an e-mail with a completed form will be sent to Brain+, but only if you are fit to participate. If you do not fulfill the participation criteria, no email will be sent, and the above information will not be saved.